ProCon Group
Information Technology & Communications. Come Together!
IT support

Design solutions

Moving into a new office or planning a hotel reconstruction?


Tailored design solutions

We will design a comprehensive IT concept tailored to your specific operations that does not lose sight of possible future developments and needs:

  • Projects of varying scope and focus
  • Projects starting from scratch or using existing infrastructure
  • Full-scale project implementation or cooperation in the various project stages
  • Ongoing consultancy and advisory services
  • Subcontractor coordination
  • Hardware and software supplies, including guarantee and post-guarantee servicing


When should you contact us?

Cooperation can be established at any stage of the project, but the sooner the better.

Building an information infrastructure that lacks a clear concept generally necessitates higher costs further on down the line and reduces the efficiency of the solution as a whole. 



In our work with clients, we have gained a wealth of experience of projects diverse in their scope and scale.