2.3.2015 In the Czech mailboxes new fraudulent e-mail appeared. This is another attempt to fool the users and attack their computer or other device with harmful virus. This time it says, that the person concerned has mistakenly received your documents to his e-mail which he is now returning to you.
How does the fraudulent spam look like?In the body of the e-mail there is a brief informal message with minor mistakes, signed with a Czech name and Czech phone number. The wording of the message, name and the number may vary. What remains the same for all the spams is the attachment where a dangerous virus is hidden.
Dobrý den.
Beware of dangerous attachmentIn the case of this spam the attachment is .zip archive. After unpacking you will find the executable file .exe, which is masked by the icon of document .doc. In any case do not open this file. There is not a contract or other documents but a malicious virus which will load in your computer after running the file.
(Source: hoax.cz)
If you receive a suspicious e-mail with an attachment or a link, be careful!Producers of spams or viruses are constantly trying to find new ways to cheat the users. They are inventing new e-mails and new reasons to force them to open the attachment or click on the link. In past there were advice of shipments, notice of execution, appeal to pay a debt and invoice and much more. This is why we again strongly recommend high caution when opening any attachment. Antiviruses are able to protect you in most cases but against new spams which are not recorded in the latest databases of viruses yet, they are clueless.
Don't you want to risk anymore?The basic pillar of computer protection is a good antivirus and antispam solution. For a suitable solution for your organization or if you are not sure whether an e-mail is dangerous or not, do not hesitate to contact us.
Read more:
Beware of e-mail from the Czech Post. Hiding a virus! (News 26.11.2014)